Transform general questions and superlatives into the Reported Speech.



Ответ дал: ezzamarria


1. The customer asks if it is an ink-jet printer.

2. The vendor asked if I would take that monitor.

3. The teacher askedme if I had translated this text.

4. Dick asked Ann if she had a monochrome monitor.

5. Alice asks if I have bought a colour monitor.

6. The Instructor warned not to sit too close to the screen.

7. Peter recommends to consider that processor because it's more powerful.

8. Alan asked Jack if he could see dots on the screen.

9. The client asked if that was a flat panel liquid crystal display.

10. The student asked if that sequence repeated 50 times per second.

11. Jane asked Kate to listen to some piece of advice.

12. The teacher warned Pete no to use the monitor that distorts the image.


При переводе прямой речи в косвенную меняй "this" на "that", "will" на "would", "is" на "was" (только если нужно прошедшее время) и т. д. В вопросах надо менять порядок слов на прямой, потому что в косвенной речи всегда только утверждения.

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