Match the words and word combinations with their definitions. There is one extra defini-
tion you don't need to use.
d1) science fiction
2) love story
3) fantasy
4) biography
5) humorous story
6) adventure story
7) historic novel
a) a book which tells about exciting or dangerous events
b) a book which tells about some crime
c) a book which tells about the life and events of long ago
d) a book which tells about life in the future, describing some
scientific advances
e) a book which tells about strange or imagined events and people
f) a book which tells about the adventures of people who love
each other
g) a book which tells about the life of some historical person
h) a book which tells some funny story
2 Join the sentences using the words from the box.
for example and
1) She came up to the bookshelf. She took a book to read.
She came up to the bookshelf and took a book to read.
2) This book describes life in the 17th century. It tells about some historic events of that time.
3) He was crazy about detective stories. He could read any detective story all night without
4) His brother likes all kinds of rest. His brother hates sitting in front of the TV all day long.
5) She never goes to parties. She feels uncomfortable in a crowd of people.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make up questions and answer them.
1) the/you/book/the/recently/What/have/is/read/of/title/?
What is the title of the book you have recently read?
2) this/writer/the/Who/book/is/of/?



Ответ дал: bonumurodilloyeva



1d 2f 3e 4g 5h 6a 7c


2)also 3)for example 4)besides 5)because


who is the writer of the book


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