Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.
Hi Shara!
I've got big news. My dad's got a new job in Almaty - so we 1) 're moving (move) there next week! I think that we 2).....(have) very different lives in Almaty.Our new flat is in the city centre, so it 3)..... (be) much louder and busier than here in Saran. And this time next week 4)......(start) at a new school. I just hope that I 5)........(make) some new friends quickly. Anyway, we've booked a moving company and our things 6)........(be/collect) tomorrow. So I 7)........(pack) my clothes into boxes all evening!
Talk soon,Gul


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


Hi Shara!
I've got big news. My dad's got a new job in Almaty - so we 1) 're moving there next week! I think that we 2) will have very different lives in Almaty. Our new flat is in the city centre, so it 3)is going to be much louder and busier than here in Saran. And this time next week I 4) will be starting at a new school. I just hope that I 5) will make some new friends quickly. Anyway, we've booked a moving company and our things 6) are being collected tomorrow. So I 7) will be packing my clothes into boxes all evening!
Talk soon,

1.'re moving - запланированное действие -> Present Continuous
2.will have - со словом "think" употребляется Future Simple
3. is going to be - предсказание, основанное на объективных доказательствах
4.will be starting - точное указание времени в будущем-> Future Continuous
5.will make - со словом "hope" употребляется Future Simple
6.are being collected -  уже решено -> Present Continuous Passive
7.will be packing  - продолжительное действие, которое будет происходить в будущем в какой-то период времени -> Future Continuous

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