• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: sultanahmetovb
  • Вопрос задан 4 месяца назад

use your answers from Ex.4 to write an email similar to the one in Ex.​



Ответ дал: saandwee


Hi (имя получателя)

I made friends with a cool person. And I want to tell you about him. His name is (имя друга/подруги), he/she (he-мальчик, she-девочка) is (возраст), and we're in the same class at school. (имя друга/подруги) is very cool and clever, he/she always can help me with lessons. We like spending time together, like go for a walk, go the cinema, parks, shopping malls, entertainment centers. We always go home together after lessons and turn on our favourite movies. New movie called "Black Adam" is our favourite now. How about you? Write me back.

stay in touch

(твое имя)

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