эссе "my day" англиский язык, срочно (за 50 балл) ​


Ответ дал: ashiralizhanaru


"My daу"

Hello! My name is *Имя* am "Возраст* years old. I'd like to tell you about my daily routine. I wake up at about 7 a.m. every working day.

First of all, I change my clothes, wash my

face, clean my teeth and comb my hair.

Honestly, I feel sleepy every morning, but this is the only way to be on time for the lessons. I do not want to be late for school. That is why I have to get up so early. The morning exercises help me to feel the energy and positive spirits. I try doing it every day.

Then I have my breakfast. Usually my mother cooks me scrambled eggs. I also have a cup of sweet tea with a slice of lemon. After a tasty breakfast, put on my outdoor clothes. Then I go to school. It takes me ten minutes to get to my school on foot.

As a rule, I have six classes every day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. My favorite school subject is mathematics. I always look forward to this lesson. I am also interested in physics, especially laboratory lessons. I don't mind doing some workout, that's why I go on PE with pleasure.

I also have lunch at midday in the school canteen. When my classes finish, I like walking with my schoolmates. Then, I go home. When lessons are over, I have time to have a rest. For example, I listen to music, read fantasy or play video games. Sometimes I help my parents with chores. For example, do the dishes or do the vacuuming.

At about 7 p.m., I do my homework. It takes me not much time. I like to study and do it well. Finally, I have a shower, watch TV and go to bed at about 10:30 p.m.

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