Потрібно поставити в Future Simple Passive
1. The matter .................. to his attention. (bring)
2. These important details .............. at another point. (consider)
3. There you...............before the throne. (lead) 4. I ............. by my own child. (not/interrupt) 5. They ............. in the rights of man. (found)5. They ............. in the rights of man. (found) 6. I .................you are. (bind) 7. It ............. in its proper place. (notice)
8. His act ................. as just. (regard)
9. Its form ............. from the sketch. (understand)
10. The whole community ........... by it. (affect)
11. I .................. , I say. (hear)
12. No attacks .............. below the knees. (make)


Ответ дал: davidprodragon

1. will bring
2. will consider
3. will lead
думаю дальше ты понял, просто вил в начало, и инфинитив глагола


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