1 a There is rwo tables in the living room.
b There are two tables in the living room.
2 a How many bedrooms are there? b How many bedrooms there are?
3 a There aren't some glasses. b There aren't any glasses.
4 a There were only three guests. b There was only three guests.
5. a How many people there were in the hotel?
b How many people were there in the hotel?
6 a We having a great time. b We're having a great time.
7 a They aren't arguing.
b They not arguing.
8 a What you are doing? b What are you doing?
9 a Look! The bridge opens!
b Look! The bridge is opening!
10 a The museum closes at 2.00 on Mondays,
b The museum is closing at 2.00
on Mondays.


Ответ дал: nunny


1 b There are two tables in the living room.

2 a How many bedrooms are there?

3 b There aren't any glasses.

4 b There was only three guests.

5. b How many people were there in the hotel?

6 b We're having a great time.

7 a They aren't arguing.

8 b What are you doing?

9 b Look! The bridge is opening!

10 a The museum closes at 2:00 on Mondays.


1 b В гостиной есть два стола.

2 а Сколько здесь спален?

3 б Здесь нет никаких стаканов.

4 б Там было всего три гостя.

5. b Сколько человек было в отеле?

6 б Мы отлично проводим время.

7 а Они не спорят.

8 б Что ты делаешь?

9 б Смотрите! Мост открывается!

10 a По понедельникам музей закрывается в 2:00.

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