Read the text and answer the questions.
Which is the deepest ocean in
the world?
Which oceans are covered in ice?
How big is the Atlantic Ocean?
In which ocean can we find
5 What is the deepest area of the
Pacific Ocean called?
In which ocean is Hawaii?
What is under the Atlantic Ocean?
Which ocean has lots of rain for
half the year?



Ответ дал: alikzqx


The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.Atlantic Ocean is around 41,105,000 square miles.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.Atlantic Ocean is around 41,105,000 square miles.We can find Volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.Atlantic Ocean is around 41,105,000 square miles.We can find Volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean.The deepest point in Pacific Ocean is 11km or 7 miles under water.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.Atlantic Ocean is around 41,105,000 square miles.We can find Volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean.The deepest point in Pacific Ocean is 11km or 7 miles under water.Hawaii is in North Pacific Ocean.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.Atlantic Ocean is around 41,105,000 square miles.We can find Volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean.The deepest point in Pacific Ocean is 11km or 7 miles under water.Hawaii is in North Pacific Ocean.Under the Atlantic Ocean there is Titanic ship at the point of 4000 meters.

The deepest ocean in the world is Pacific ocean.Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.Atlantic Ocean is around 41,105,000 square miles.We can find Volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean.The deepest point in Pacific Ocean is 11km or 7 miles under water.Hawaii is in North Pacific Ocean.Under the Atlantic Ocean there is Titanic ship at the point of 4000 meters.Western Part of Pacific Ocean has the most amount of rains.

alikzqx: да
berdibekznibekly: And no...
almataktolkyn03: дұрыспа
aminatur2011: 2 не правильно
serikkazinsanzar8: правилан
serikkazinsanzar8: го др казашки
arnatasmad: Многое не правильно
nurai5821: Правельно или не правельно?
crom8960: не правильно
nurai5821: Ну я уже поняла
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