ПРОШУ ПОМОГИТЕ !!! Exercise 2 Всmав замiсmь пропускiв займенник something, everything, anything, nothing somebody, everybody, anybody aбo nobody. 2/2 1. There is... white in the box. What is it? 2. Where is the book? - It is on the table. - No, there is ... there. 3. Don't tell... about it. It's a secret. 4. Is there... in the office? 5. ... needs good friends. 6. ... left a book in our classroom yesterday. 7. ... knows that water is necessary for life. 8. ... knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it. 9. ... can answer this question. It is very easy. 10. Is there... interesting in the programme of the concert? ●●●​


Ответ дал: surmachkira


1.something 2.anything 3.anybody 4.anything 5.everybody 6.somebody 7.everybody 8.somebody 9.everybody 10.something


something/somebody ставится в утверждениях. anything/anybody ставится в отрицательных, если есть never иль частица not и вопросительных предложениях. nothing/nobody ставится в отрицательных

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