Заповни пропуски присвійними займенниками. 1) This is a boy. He has a red ball in ... hands. 2) That is a dog. It has a long stick in ... mouth. 3) Those are girls. They have a lot of yellow flowers in ... hands. 4) We are schoolchildren. We have a lot of books, copy-books, pens, and pencils in ... bags. 5) Those birds are sparrows. ... nest is in that old apple-tree. 6) This is a kitten. ... nose is warm and rosy. 7) These are rabbits. ... ears are very long. 8) I am at home. I have a room. ... room is cosy. 9) My little sister has a lot of toys. ... toys are in that big box. 10) My uncle is a taxi-driver. ... car is new and red. ​


Ответ дал: dianakovalovic


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