СРОЧНО БУДУ БЛАГОДАРЕН 1. Complete the gaps in the sentences by choosing the correct form of
1. She _____ (study) for her English grammar test. She won’t pass.
2. How often ____ you ____ (go) to the gym? Once or twice a month.
3. Look! The train _____ (arrive).
4. Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, please. I ______ (not have) one yet
this morning.
5. How long _____ you _____ (know) John? -3 years.
6. Careful! I _____ just (break) a glass! Put on some shoes!
7. They ______ (not / believe) you.
8. Most teenagers ______ (spend) too much time on their telephones.
9. I _______ (read) half the book so far.
10. We ______ (think) it’s a great idea to _____ (have) a party for her
2. Make the Past Simple or Past Perfect tense:
1. After I _________ (buy) my new computer, I discovered that I
___________ (not have) enough money.
2. - The car stopped because we __________ (run) out of petrol.
3. It was half past three and we still _________ (not / eat) lunch.
4. I ________ (just / buy) a dress when a thief _______ (steal) my bag.
5. Before she_________ (to go) to Brixham, she _____ (to sell) her house.
6. He_________ (not to need) a translator because he _________ (to
study) German at school.
7. When I ________ (to meet) Jim he ______ (to be) already a soldier for three


Ответ дал: diaskenzhebaev06


1. She study for her English grammar test.

2. How often do you go to the gym?

3. The train is arriving.

4. I haven't had one yet. ~

5. How long do you know John?

6. Careful! I have just broken a glass!

7. They don't believe you

8. Most teenagers have spend too much time on their telephones

9. I have read half the book so far.

10. We think it’s a great idea to have a party for her birthday.


1. After I bought my new computer, I discovered that I

hadn't had enough money.

2. The car stopped because we had run out of petrol.

3. It was half past three and we still didn't eat lunch.

4. I just bought a dress when a thief had stole my bag.

5. Before she went to Brixham, She had sold her house.

6.He didn't need a translator, because he had studied German at school.

7.When I met Jim, He had been already a soldier for three years.


Present Perfect

S + Have/Has + V3

Все типы Perfect имеют результат. Произошедшее в прошлом.

Present Simple and Present Continuous


Повторяющее действие (Хобби, занятие и т.д.)


Произошедшее в данный момент времени, например сейчас.

1. Study, потому что она учит Английский для себя (for her English grammar). Изучение Английского происходит постепенно изо дня в день. (Занятие). Это - Present Simple

2. Как часто ты ходишь в спортзал? Это тоже Present simple. How often do you go to gym?

3. Посмотри! Поезд приезжает! Это происходит сейчас, значит Present Continuous.

4. Будешь пить чашечку кофе? Да, пожалуйста. Я ещё не пил ни одного. В прошлом, Present Perfect.

5. Как часто ты знаешь Джона? Present Simple.

Знание обычно сохраняется в голове, мы знаем Джона каждый день, значит Present Simple.

6.Осторожно я ТОЛЬКО ЧТО сломал очки!

just переводится как: только что и просто.

Просто я взял ручку, ПРОСТО. Дальше....

7.Они не верят в тебя. Они не верят вообще. Present Simple.

8. Многие подростки тратят многое время в интернете. Они повторяют сидеть в телефоне. Present Simple.

9. Я уже прочитал так много, половину книги! В прошлом, Present Perfect. Аж, ПО ЛО ВИ НУ книги!

10. Сами.

После Past simple идёт Past perfect.

dblnyafam: спасибо тебе, выручил)
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