умоляю помогите быстро!



Ответ дал: angelo4eeeeeek

3) What are you cooking?

4) Jack plays the piano very well.

5) I am going now. Goodbye!

6) It is raining. Can I take this umbrella?

7) I don't watching TV very much.

8) Excuse me, we are looking for the museum.

9) What this world? How are you pronouncing it?

Ответ дал: azazazazazazasdfhj


3. What you cook?

4. Jack play the piano very well.

5. I go now. Goodbye!

6. It rain. Can I take this umbrella?

7. I not watch, TV very much.

8. Excuse me, we look for the museum.

9. What' s this word? How you pronounce it?

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