помогите задание 5 прошу очень нужно это не контрольная работа нужно очень срочно дам 50 баллов и дам лучший


pik99: а что надо делать? тут надо говорить на какую то тему? в чем смысл тут писать? это устное задание


Ответ дал: osmoloviich99
-Hello! I recently saw an interesting poster for the new Spiderman movie. Would you like to see it this weekend?
-Look, I don't even know. On the one hand, it sounds tempting, but on the other hand, I prefer passive recreation. For example, reading books or walking in the park with music on headphones.
-Hmm, and if you think about it, can't this be called a pastoral rest too? We'll buy tickets, popcorn and have a great time. They say the movie is really stunning!
-But I have already planned a walk in the park with my sister for today and I can’t refuse.
-What if we take your sister with us? Let's go to the movies, and then we'll go to the park for ice cream.
-This is a great idea! I am for.
-Great, meet me at 4 pm at our place. Bye. -See you soon
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