Дам 90 баллов¡¡!!!!!!

2 Write the correct noun or adjective form of the words.

1 You need lots of _________________ (skill) to be a famous sportsperson.

2 That boy over there is really _________________ (good looks).

3 She’s got great _________________ (style). She always looks good.

4 This wind is really _________________ (strength). I can’t put my umbrella up!

5 He’s quite _________________ (ego). He thinks he’s amazing!

дам 90 баллов


Ответ дал: DashkKuroied

1 skills

2 good looks

3 style

4 strength

5 ego

не подумай, що я просто переписала,так і треба

dianaiidtt: ого какой идиот
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