помогите пожалуйста ) даю много балов​



Ответ дал: kari5660


1. I am shy..

2. I am serious...

3. I am clever..

4. I am positive person..

5. I am interesting..

6. I am kind..

Ответ дал: Аноним

Complete the text with the opposites of the adjectives in brackets. The first letters are given.

Application for summer camp volunteers

Describe yourself:

I'm a very sociable person. I love meeting people and talking to them. I'm not at all shy. At school, I'm quite serious and hard-working but, when I'm not working, I have a good sense of humour. I'm clever and do well with my school work. I am hoping to go to university next year to study law. I'm a very positive person and I try to see the good in people. I think I'm an interesting person and that most people like me. I care about people and animals and I think I am kind.

Personal Details:

Name: Janine

Surname: Terence

Age: 18

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