I. Arrange the following computer terms in the correct order.
menu, file, a laptop, a mouse, memory, a mainframe computer, modem, a
printer, monitor, software
1) …… A small, portable computer that runs on either batteries or AC power,
designed for use during travel.
2) …… A high-level computer designed for the most intensive computational tasks.
3) …… A common pointing device.
4) ……. A computer peripheral that puts text or a computer-generated image on
paper or on another medium.
5) ……. Computer programs; instructions that make hardware work.
6) ……. The device on which images generated by the computer’s video adapter are
7) ……. A communications device that enables a computer to transmit information
over a standard telephone line.
8) ……. A complete, named collection of information, such as a program, a set of
data used by a program, or a user-created document.
9) ……. Circuitry that allows information to be stored and retrieved.
10) ……. A list of options from which a program user can make a selection in order
to perform a desired action, such as choosing a command or applying a format.
II. Who made these inventions?
1. Electricity. England, 1831
2. Electric light lamp. USA, 1897
3. Telephone. Canada, 1876
4. Television. Scotland, 1925
5. Computer. The USA, 1939
6. Computing machine MECM.
Kyiv, 1951

a) Howard Aiken, an American mathematician.
d) Serhii Lebedev, a member of the Academy
Science of Ukraine
c) John Baird, a Scottish inventor
d) Michael Faraday, an English scientist
e) Alexander Bell, a Scottish inventor
f) Thomas Edison, an American scientist

III. Complete the text with the correct words from the box.
persuaded, purpose, a suburb, was defined, large-scale, appeared, equations,
career, a degree, launched, together, a little later

Lebedev started his scientific 1) …… as a “Junior scientific collaborator”. However,
soon he headed a research team and 2) …… a research laboratory, “Laboratory of
Electric Networks”. In 1933 he published a monograph, “Stability of Parallel
Operation of Electric Systems”, 3) …… with his colleague A.S. Zhdanov. In 1935
Lebedev was awarded a professorship and in 1939 he submitted thesis of doctoral
dissertation and received 4) ……, “Doctor of Technical Sciences”, thus skipping
preliminary degree, “Candidate of Technical Sciences” (PhD). 47 At the end of the
war, in 1945, Lebedev created the first electronic analogue computer for solving
systems of ordinary differential 5) …… - a “common calculation tool” at the
electrical power engineering. Already before the war Lebedev demonstrated interest
in facilitated computations. Lebedev also experimented with binary arithmetic.
Intensive development of power engineering in civil area, as well as progress of
nuclear physics researches and beginning rocket construction caused urgent need in
precise 7) …… facilitated computations. Some information already 8) …… about the
first foreign electronic computing machines. Later, leading scientists of Kiev such as
academician V.M. Glushkov or O.A. Bogomolets - the younger and mathematician
S.G. Krein (who was the first programmer for Lebedev), remembered that it was M.A.
Lavrentyev who 9) …… him to start practical work on electronic computers.
Lavrentev himself learned about them from commercial advertising in some technical
journals, which O.A. Bogomolets had brought from some of his trips to Switzerland.
In the autumn 1948 Lebedev 10) …… regular work on creation of the Small
Electronic Computing Machine (MESM). First of all, the complete set of necessary
mathematical operations to be performed by the computer should be defined. For that
11) …… Lebedev invited to Kiev leading experts, physicist A.A. Dorodnitsin and
mathematician K.A. Semendyaev. By the end of 1949, all design calculations were
completed and the basic structure of the computer 11) ……. In 1950 MESM was
assembled in 12) …… of Kiev - Feofania (Theofania).
IV. Answer the following questions in a written form.
1. Who was MECM conceived by?
2. How was MECM called at first?
3. What devices were added to it?
4. What department did S.A. Lebedev head at the Institute of Energetics in Kyiv?
5. When did Lebedev direct his laboratory towards creating MECM?
6. When was the machine put into operation?
7. Why can the creation of MECM be called a feat?


Ответ дал: ariksharik


powerful computer that can process large amounts of data and do a great amount of computation very quickly.

Supercomputers are used for areas related to:






Supercomputers are useful for applications involving very large databases or that require a great amount of computation.

Supercomputers are used for complex tasks, such as:

Weather forecasting

Climate research

Scientific simulation

Oil and gas exploration

Quantum mechanics


Mainframe computers

Mainframe computer – a high-performance computer used for large information processing jobs.

Mainframe computers are primarily used in :




Health care


Large businesses

Financial institutions

Stock brokerage firms

Insurance agencies

Mainframe computers are useful for tasks related to:

Census taking

Industry and consumer statistics

Enterprise resource planning

Transaction processing

e-business and e-commerce


Minicomputer – a mid-range computer that is intermediate in size, power, speed, storage capacity, etc., between a mainframe and a microcomputer.

Minicomputers are used by small organizations.

“Minicomputer” is a term that is no longer used much. In recent years, minicomputers are often referred to as small or midsize servers (a server is a central computer that provides information to other computers).

Personal computers

Personal computer (PC) – a small computer designed for use by a single user at a time.

A PC or microcomputer uses a single chip (microprocessor) for its central processing unit (CPU).

“Microcomputer” is now primarily used to mean a PC, but it can refer to any kind of small computer, such as a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, or wearable.

Types of personal computers

Desktop computer – a personal computer that is designed to stay at one location and fits on or under a desk. It typically has a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and a tower (system unit).

Laptop computer (or notebook) – A portable personal computer that is small enough to rest on the user’s lap and can be powered by a battery. It includes a flip down screen and a keyboard with a touchpad.

Tablet – A wireless touchscreen PC that is slightly smaller and weighs less than the average laptop.

Smartphone – A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a personal computer.


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