дати відповіді на запитання!!!!!1. Do you have a favourite kind of sport? What is it? 2. Do you do any kind of sport? What is it? 3. How often do you do sport? 4. If you don't do any sport, do you want to start doing an sport? What is it and why? 5. Do you attend any sports centres or sports clubs? 6. Why is sport useful for health? 7. Do you do any exercises between lessons? Or after waking up? 8. Do you think that sport is popular among children? 9. Are you an active person?​


Ответ дал: smakoli


1 Yes, I have. It is footbаll

2 Yes, I do. It is football

3 I do sport evеryday.

4 Yes, but I am already dоing sports. It is football, because i love football.

5 Yes, i do

6 Because sport is good for helth

7 No, I don't

8 Yes, I think sport is popular among children

9 Yes, I am an active person


вот так футбол можно заменить на volleyball или basketball

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