4 Write a word from the box in each gap. battery built calculator cities designed found genius invented towers e e ● The first mobile phone was (1) Martin Cooper, who was a(n) (2) He (3). the first mobile phone to look like a phone, but it didn't look like the ones we use today. It was a very large, heavy phone, and the - only lasted for 20 minutes. However, Cooper said that w a problem because you couldn't hold the phone up for that long. Since th (4)_ wat out ways to make mobile phones very small. people have (5). (6)_______ can also be used for other things, like planning your day, or as a(n) to do simple maths problems. They are used in both big and small towns. They can be used in the countryside too that mobile phone companies have (7) thanks to tall (8) (9) Mobile phones have become so important that most of us couldn't live without them. in 1973 by a man named with electronic devices.​



Ответ дал: allso71


The first mobile phone was designed in 1973 by a man named Martin Cooper, who was a n invented with electronic devices.He built the first mobile phone to look like a phone, but it didn't look like the ones we use today.It was a very large,heavy phone, and the battery only for 20 minutes. However, Cooper said that wasn't a problem because you couldn't hold the phone up for that long.Since then people have found out ways to make mobile phones very small They can also be used for other things,like planning your day,or as a calculator to do simple math problems.They can be used in the countryside too,thanks to tall towers that mobile phone companies have cities.Mobile phones have become so important that most of us couldn't live without them.

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