Task 5 (15 points). Fill in the gaps with the verbs in Present Simple positive, negative or question forms. Write full sentences.

1) My sister ___ a shower every morning.
2) I ___ to school by bus, I always walk.
3) My father ___ up at 6 am and stays in bed for 10 minutes.
4) ___ you ___ the dog for a walk in the evening?
5) We ___ our cat twice a day. She usually eats some cat food.​


Ответ дал: denissevcuk409


My Sister Takes A Shower Every Morning.

I Don't go to school by a bus, I always walk.

My father wakes up at 6 am and stays in bed for 10 minutes.

Will you take the dog for a walk in the evening?

We feed our cat twice a day. She usually eats some cat food.

Hope it helps

arinakan2010: спасибо
frosorplay: thanks
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