Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Could I have two coffee / coffees please?

2 The service / services in this restaurant is excellent.

3 I don't have a knife and tray / fork to eat my food.

4 Let's ask the waiter / customer to bring some water.

5 These olive /olives are delicious.

6.I'm not very good in / at cooking.

7 She's responsible/disappointed with the food.

8 We would like some beef / beefs for dinner.


Ответ дал: useeerb
1 coffee
2 service
3 fork
4 customer
5 olives
6 at cooking
7 disappointed
8 beef

kramulakangelina: Ооооо спасибоо)
Ответ дал: kirieshki4000
1) coffee
4) waiter
5) olives
6) at
7) responsible
8) beef
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