1. What's your name? Where are you from? 2. What holiday do you choose / like? Is it your favorite holiday? 3. When do you celebrate this holiday? 4. Do you cook special food on this day? 5. How do you celebrate it? Do you sing, dance, play, give/get НАПИШИТЕ КАК РАСКАЗ ПЖ!!!!​

artnika365: Это в смысле на основе ответов?
artnika365: Какое твоё имя?


Ответ дал: artnika365

Ответ: My name is ….. I’m from… I like Christmas. I celebrate this holiday on December 24.We gather around the Christmas tree as a family.On this holiday I dance and give gifts


artnika365: Вместо точек подставь слова
Ответ дал: kittycatuweu12


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