Допоможіть створити речення reported speech statements, буду вдячна
1. I don't work on Saturdays. Lisa told me that...
2. I'm going to the cinema tonight. John said that...
3. I have passed my driving test. Anna said to me that...
4. I'll call you if I find your bag. Robert said that...
5. I tried to call you, but the line is down. Mum said that...
6. I didn't open the door because I was sleeping. Dad told me that...
7. I can't reach the top shelf. Chris said that...
8. Sam and Kelly are getting married next month. Kate told me that...
9. I quit my job two weeks ago. Alex said that...
10. I do not know what you're talking. Sam told me that...
11. I am not getting married. Kelly said to me that...
12. I need a few hours to iron my shirt. Stan said that...


Ответ дал: steelneedle1818

Ответ:Lisa told me that she doesn't work on Saturdays. 2.John said that he isn't going to the cinema tonight. 3. Anna said to me that she hasn't passed her driving test. 4. Robert said that he will call you if he finds your bag. 5. Mum said that he tried to call you, but the line is down. 6.Dad told me that he didn't open the door because he was sleeping. 7. Chris said that he cant reach the top shell. 8. Kate told me that she is getting married next month. 9. Alex said that he quit his  job two weeks ago.10. Sam told me that he does't know what are you talking . 11. Kelly said to me that she isn't getting married. 12. Stan said that he needs a few hours to iron his  shirt


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