write an email to your English-speaking friend. ask him/her about:
•the places she usually does the shopping
•the best places to buy souvenirs
•thank him/her for his/her recommendation


Ответ дал: romanvasilcenko122

Відповідь:Hello my dear friend, I want to visit you and I want to ask you a couple of questions. Where can I buy beautiful clothes like yours? Where to buy cool souvenirs for relatives? Thanks in advance to the group, you guys are the best.

Ответ дал: lluvaiyq
hello my dear friend! how it's going? i would to ask you some questions. i think that you don't mind. where do you usually do the shopping? i personally go to the mall, because i reckon that there are only the best clothes. may you recommend the best places to buy souvenirs? i didn't find places. thank you for your opinion and advices. let me know, bye!!
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