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We live in a small two-bedroom apartment with two bedrooms. One of it belongs to me and the other to my parents. There is a hall in which there is a TV, a coffee table and a sofa. The best place is the kitchen. Each room is full of beautiful flowers. Almost all the furniture in our house is made by dad’s hands. We have very beautiful cabinets, carved table and chairs. I have the smallest room. On the walls of blue Wallpaper, the ceiling resembles the sky. On windows the blue curtains. On one side of the room is a very beautiful desk with a place for a computer and complements its very beautiful and comfortable carved chair. I love my home very much. It is very comfortable and quiet.


Ответ дал: egorka2199gir


We live in a small two-bedroom apartment with two bedrooms. One of it belongs to me and the other to my parents. There is a hall in which there is a TV, a coffee table and a sofa. The best place is the kitchen. Each room is full of beautiful flowers. Almost all the furniture in our house is made by dad’s hands. We have very beautiful cabinets, carved table and chairs. I have the smallest room. On the walls of blue Wallpaper, the ceiling resembles the sky. On windows the blue curtains. On one side of the room is a very beautiful desk with a place for a computer and complements its very beautiful and comfortable carved chair. I love my home very much. It is very comfortable and quiet.



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