!!!!!!!SOS ТЕРМІНОВО!!!!!!!!!!Допоможіть написати розповідь на тему: "Вивчення англійської мови, будучи студентом" Прошу, Допоможіть, Будь ласка, Терміново​!!!!!!!!!!!!

Аноним: скільки речень?


Ответ дал: wengerenkozoriana

«Learning English language»

English language is most popular language in world. And harder! In English is a lot of words which are strange. Example: quoue. I think that when you readed it, you sayed: pardon!? Yes, I too sayed it. Bun now I know, that this word mean "line". When you go to store, you wanna buy something, example chocolate, and in store was line, or queue. In general, English is divided into two types: British English and American. They are similar, but there are differences. Basically it is the translation of words or sentences. Kid and child; Cookie and biscuits; Demon and evil and other.

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