помогите пожалуйста с заданием В,
очень нужно..
*задание на фото*



Ответ дал: mrgledys



1 i need to buy some things
i'm sorry i cant  must to be at basketball court
2 when can you delver the washing machine i really need it
you dont need to worry
3 do i need to wash the car today mum
yes the car needs washng
4 we mustn't hurry
yes but i must buy some batteries
5 do you need leave so soon
yes i have to
6 why did your parents go
well my father must to attend a meeting
7 you dont have to show

rnhikkiij: разве в must есть частичка to?
mrgledys: вроде да
rnhikkiij: её нет:(
mrgledys: блин ну тогда сорян :(
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