4 Work in pairs. Describe the pictures in exercise 1 using the verbs in the box and a preposition. climb 1 climb up run jump run swim walk cycle fall jump пажалуйста 50 баллов прошууууу прошууууу пажалуйстааааа картинки в закрепе​



Ответ дал: glebys13



1)At first picture we can see a man which is climbing up and then climbing down .

2)At the second picture we can see how man is jump into the water (or swiming pool ) and then starts swiming

3)At 3 we can see activity in forest ,what consist on runing and and cycling

4) At 4 we can see how man avoid differrent obstacles by jumping over and walking under.

5)At 5 is jumping horce

lubaxayuhh: спасибо
almukhanzere: Это правильно?
amirhozamoldir: Swimming
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