D. Fill in the gaps with there is or there are
41. …There are… books on the table.
42. ………………… many cars in the street.
43. ………………… a picture on the wall.
44. ……………….. a pencil near the book.
45. ……………….. many trees in the forest.
46. ……………….. a cat under the table.
47. ……………….. seven apples in the fridge.
48. ………………. a dog in the house.
49. ………………. a monkey on the tree.
50. ……………… many rooms in my house.

E. Complete the sentences using "Is there" or "Are there" and "There isn`t" or "There aren`t".
51. …Is there… an opera in our city?
52. ……………….. many girls in your class?
53. ……………….. a police-station near the hospital?
54. …………….. any bananas in the basket?
55. ……………….. trees in the park?
56. ……………….. many people in the streets. (not)
57. ……………….. any butter in the fridge. (not)
58. ……………….. any plates on the table. (not)
59. ……………….. any milk in the bottle. (not)
60. …………………. any coffee in the cup. (not)

F. Put the correct form of apostrophe `s or s` in the sentences.
61. This is …Peter`s… book. (Peter)
62. Let's go to the ……………. (Smiths)
63. The …………….. room is upstairs. (children)
64. ……………….. sister is twelve years old. (John)
65. ………………. and ……………… school is old. (Susan – Steve)
66. ………………….. shoes are on the second floor. (men)
67. My ……………… car was not expensive. (parents)
68. …………………. CD player is new. (Charles)
69. This is the ………………. bike. (boy)
70. These are the ………………… pencils. (boys)

A. Underline the correct demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)
1. These/This are my trousers.
2. Hi, Chris. This/That is my friend Jona.
3. Look at those/these birds in the sky.
4. What are that/those? They are my books.
5. Is those/that hotel nice.
6. Are this/these your friends?
7. Who is this/that man over there?
8. Isn`t these/this your friend Eric?
9. Why are those/these boxes here?
10. These/That are my glasses.



Ответ дал: ezzamarria


42. There are

43. There is

44. There is

45. There are

46. There are

47. There is

48. There are

49. There is

50. There are


52. Are there

53. Is there

54. Are there

55. Are there

56. There aren't

57. There isn't

58. There aren't

59. There isn't

60. There isn't


62. Smiths'

63. children'

64. John's

65. Susan and Steve's

66. Men'

67. parents'

68. Charleses'

69. boy's

70. boys'


1. These

2. This

3. those

4. those

5. that

6. these

7. that

8. this

9. these

10. These

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