Write out the incorreet word from each sentence.
1. I haven't been to that restaurant, but n lots of my friends have and they all say ifs really good
2. She apologized me for missing my birthday party.
3. Donna asked about her sister to lend her the money.
4. Their teacher explained them that if they wanted to pass the exam they would have to study hard
S. When I go to the supermarket I will buy some much bread.
6. He suggested to going out for dinner that night.
7. I think that the curry was too many spicy.
S. There is a little of fish left if you are still hungry.
9. Peter said that he wouldn't be able to come ouf with us because he had too far much work to dis
10. There were lots of many people in the city centre this afternoon.
11. 1 have not something to say.
12. I'd like some two bottles of water, please.
13. Are there any few biscuits left?
14. I haven't got no much time right now.
15. Due to the bad weather hardly very few players went to football training.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj





4. that

5. much




9. far


11. not

12. some

13. few




anastasia20884: спасибо огромное!!!! в первом там вместо n, стоит а, просто не правильно скопировала
lilegorodnikovoj: Если: а lots of , тогда- а лишн. Правильно: a lot of friends или: lots of friends
anastasia20884: спасибо!
anastasia20884: можно ли Вас попросить помочь с ещё одним заданием?
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