*5 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. Use too, enough and as. Rob: What's on the list? Millie: Four small apples. Are these green apples small 'enough? big. What about Rob No. They're 2 those red apples? MA Millie: They aren't 3 big as the green apples. Let's buy four red apples. Rob: OK. What's next on the list? Millie: Six lemon or chocolate cupcakes. I think lemon cupcakes aren't as tasty chocolate cupcakes. Rob: I think chocolate cupcakes are 5 sweet! Millie: I think lemon cupcakes aren't sweet 6 ! Rob: Let's get three lemon cupcakes and three chocolate cupcakes. Millie: Good idea!​



Ответ дал: kochevatova852


1. enough

2. too

3. as

4. as

5. too

6. enough

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