1.Match the following words with the definitions below.

a) custard b) gravy c) ice cream d) bacon rashers e) sausages

f) Brussels sprouts g) cauliflower h) Yorkshire pudding i) pancake

j) mustard k) trifle l) chop

1) This food is soft and it tastes sweet. It is made from cream, sugar and fruit or chocolate.

It is eaten very cold, usually in summer.

2) A sweet, yellow sauce which is served hot.

3) Slices of pork which are often included in a traditional English breakfast.

4) A white, broccoli-like vegetable with a mild flavour. Sometimes served with a cheese


5) A thick slice of pork or lamb, on the bone.

6) A hot (spicy), yellow, thick condiment, usually eaten with meat.

7) Cylinder-shaped portions of minced meat, which are usually made of pork.

8) A brown, savoury sauce for meat. Served hot.

9) A small, savoury «cake» made of batter and baked in an oven. Usually eaten with roast


10) A dessert made of cake, custard and cream. Sometimes contains sherry (fortified


11) Small, round, green, cabbage-like vegetables.

12) A thin, flat «cake» made of batter and fried. Can be folded or rolled up and served

with either sweet or savoury fillings.



Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1) This food is soft and it tastes sweet. It is made from cream, sugar and fruit or chocolate. It is eaten very cold, usually in summer. - c) ice cream (мороженое)

2) A sweet, yellow sauce which is served hot. - a) custard (заварной крем)

3) Slices of pork which are often included in a traditional English breakfast. - d) bacon rashers (бекон)

4) A white, broccoli-like vegetable with a mild flavour. Sometimes served with a cheese sauce. - g) cauliflower (цветная капуста)

5) A thick slice of pork or lamb, on the bone. - l) chop (стейк из свинины или ягнятины на косточке)

6) A hot (spicy), yellow, thick condiment, usually eaten with meat. - j) mustard (горчица)

7) Cylinder-shaped portions of minced meat, which are usually made of pork. - e) sausages (колбаски)

8) A brown, savoury sauce for meat. Served hot. - b) gravy (подливка)

9) A small, savoury «cake» made of batter and baked in an oven. Usually eaten with roast beef. - h) Yorkshire pudding (йоркширский пудинг)

10) A dessert made of cake, custard and cream. Sometimes contains sherry (fortified wine). - k) trifle (трайфл)

11) Small, round, green, cabbage-like vegetables. -

f) Brussels sprouts (брюссельская капуста)

12) A thin, flat «cake» made of batter and fried. Can be folded or rolled up and served with either sweet or savoury fillings. - i) pancake (блин)

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