Complete the article. Use one word in each gap.

(1) __ group of scientists have been studying life in (2) __ Weddell Sea in Antarctica. Because of climate change, two ice shelves have melted and this has given scientists (3) __ rare opportunity to see what has been living below (4) __ ice.

The melting of (5) __ shelves in 1995 and 2002 opened up (6) __ large area of (7) __ sea floor, which had been covered for at least twelve thousand years.

Scientists spent ten weeks investigating (8) __ area. Using (9) __ remote camera, they found and collected about a thousand new species. They also found that other species of animals are now able to live in there because (10) __ water is warmer.


Ответ дал: daniilkabka

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