Groups of people
Complete each sentence with a word from the list.
the audience motorists pedestrians residents the crew the staff employee
employers immigrants politicians | refugees inhabitants
0 People who watch a play /film/ concert are the audience.
People who walk on a street are called 10.

A group of people who work for an organisation are
3 People who drive cars are called
4 A group of people who work on a plane or ship are 7
are people or animals that live in a specific place.
6 People who are paid to work for other people are called
7 People who work in politics are called.
live there.
are people who leave their own country because it's too difficult or danger
pay others to work for them.
10 People who live in a certain place are the
3 are people who come to a different country to live there permanently.


Ответ дал: sonealya


  • 1) pedestrians
  • 2) employees
  • 3) motorists
  • 4) the crew
  • 5) inhabitants
  • 6) the staff
  • 7) politicians
  • 8) refugees
  • 9) employers
  • 10) residents
  • 11) immigrants


1) People who walk on a street are called pedestrians.

Люди, которые ходят по улице, называются пешеходами.

2) A group of people who work for an organisation are employees.

Группа людей, которые работают в организации, являются наемными работниками.

3) People who drive cars are called motorists.

Людей, которые водят автомобили, называют автомобилистами.

4) A group of people who work on a plane or ship are the crew.

Группа людей, которые работают на самолете или корабле, — это экипаж.

5) Inhabitants are people or animals that live in a specific place.

Обитатели — это люди или животные, которые живут в определенном месте.

6) People who are paid to work for other people are called the staff.

Люди, которым платят за работу на других людей, называются персоналом.

7) People who work in politics are called politicians.

Людей, которые работают в политике, называют политиками.

8) Refugees are people who leave their own country because it's too difficult or dangerous to live there.

Беженцы — это люди, которые покидают свою собственную страну, потому что там слишком трудно или опасно жить.

9) Employers pay others to work for them.

Работодатели платят другим за то, чтобы они работали на них.

10) People who live in a certain place are the residents.

Люди, которые живут в определенном месте, являются жителями.

11) Immigrants are people who come to a different country to live there permanently.

Иммигранты — это люди, которые приезжают в другую страну, чтобы жить там постоянно.


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