Помогите пожалуйста, срочно нужно!((
Нужна помощь с двумя упражнениями, я обозначила их как 1 и 2.

1) Put the verbs in brackets into the passive.

• The remains of an Egyptian ship (find) by divers last week.
• The wreck (now/examine) by experts to see if it can (lift) to the surface.
• If it (find) to be in good condition, attempts to raise it (make) next week.
• Afterwards, it (clean) so that it can (put) in theNational Archaeological • Museum.
• Other Egyptian remains (discover) in this area recently.

2)Identify the subject and the object in the sentences. Then rewrite them in the passive.
• John Mills is preparing an expedition to North Pole.
• Many TV network's will film the expedition.
• They are going to show the expedition on national television.
• John Mills has already bought all the necessary equipment.
• He is going to set up an observation camp here.
• Many people have raised objections to this expedition.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 was found 2 is being examined- can be lifted 3 is found - will be made 4 will be cleaned-can be put 5 have been discovered

1 An expedition to North Pole is being prepared by John Mills.

2 The expedition will be filmed by many TV networks.

3  The expedition is going to be shown on national television.

4 All the necessary equipment has already been bought by John Mills.

5 An observation camp is going to be set up by him here.

6 Objections to this expedition have been raised by many people.


llaaishu: Спасибо большое вам!
Juliyasha11: Пожалуйста!
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