Допоможіть будь ласка, терміново!)
Correct the mistakes if there are any.

1. The ship will have sink by the time the rescue team arrives there.

2. Dolly had shows all the materials before the committee arrives.

3. Larry has just misunderstands the words.

4. Hardly had I opened the door than the snowstorm broke out.
5.I has forgotten the girl's name. Do you remember it?

6. Barry will has grated the vegetables by the dinner.
7. Gerald have bought a new car recently.

8. I had already watch the film they wanted to take me to.
9. Grace will have bake all the pies by the time we come.


Ответ дал: finaus17


1. The ship will have sunk by the time the rescue team arrives there. (sunk - третя форма дієслова; will have sunk - future perfect )

2. Dolly had shown all the materials before the committee arrived. (shown третя форма дієслова; had shown - past perfect; arrived - past simpe)

3. Larry has just misunderstood the words. (misunderstood - третя форма дієслова; has just misunderstood - present perfect)

4. Hardly had I opened the door than the snowstorm broke out. (

немає помилок)

5.I have forgotten the girl's name. Do you remember it? (have forgotten - present perfect; i,you,we,they - have)

6. Barry will have grated the vegetables by the dinner. (will have grated - future perfect

7. Gerald has bought a new car recently. (has bought - present perfect; gerald - власне ім'я)

8. I had already watched the film they wanted to take me to. (watched - третя форма дієслова;  had already watched - past perfect)

9. Grace will have baked all the pies by the time we come. (baked - третя форма дієслова; will have baked - future perfect)


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