3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of do or make. 9 0 They're going to buy that old country house and...do... it up. 10 1 Her job has something to marketing. 2 Girls make up school. do *****.. with half of the students in our 3 We'll just have to .......... without the report if they can't get it to us in time. 5 4 The baby's asleep, so please try not to make a noise when you go upstairs. The government are going to with the old tax law. 6 When the bell rang, the students ........ for the door. 7 He's currently.do..... research into the causes of cancer. away 8 Speak louder - I can't .......... out what you're saying. up your coat - it's cold. Her cousins were trying to ....... her out of her inheritance. off with the old lady's ********** 11 The two men handbag. 12 Just....... your best to explain the problem - I'm sure he'll understand. I think you should forgive him 13 ******** mistakes. 14 It's about time you. 15 I don't know what to behaviour. 16 I could have .......... with a bit more help. 17 I don't believe him. He's .......... it all up! 18 We usually .......... our shopping on Saturdays. we all ******* some exercise! of Christine's


Ответ дал: ssmpsalvbv


i dont know i dont know i dont know


i dont know

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