1 1 Every time their team fans start celebrating. Dana is a doctor. It's a(n) ...... Mascots .......... .... them. 4 A waterslide tester. .... waterslides all around the world to see if they are safe. ....... to Turkey. Alikhan often goes .................. The match between the two basketball teams is the main ........ ..... of the week. 2 3 5 Fill in: entertain, on holiday, scores, well- paid, event, throw, checks. 6 .., the ... job. sweets to the fans to

слова помошники entertain,on holiday,scores,wellpaid,event,throw,shecks

даю 36 баллов​


Ответ дал: danakuatbekova09


1) entertain

2)on holiday

3) scores

4) well paid


6) throw



artemt15022012: это правильно
danakuatbekova09: Не знаю, по моему да
artemt15022012: сколько балов хочешь
danakuatbekova09: Я хочу, ну давай ты решишь, просто 100 ну или 50 баллов это много
Аноним: это правильно?
danakuatbekova09: Кажется, да
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