7 кл 6.12 контроль письма (для уч... 01 Все учащиеся write an essay about your dream. Include: -what is your dream. -why do you want it? -what do you do to make it happen? 100-110 слів Завантаж роботу у форматі друкованого тексту. (не фото)​


Ответ дал: dgvahaga


My dream is to live a peaceful life. It may sound boring, but it's the way I want my life to be. It's my dream. I'm trying to study well to find a good job in the future, although sometimes it's hard for me. I want for people around me to be happy, so they don't experience the bad side of life. Even if I fall, I'm getting up right away, because I strive for my dream. I want to be someone who inspires people around, so they can also build a peaceful and happy life. Usually people wish to be very rich in the future, to have unlimited money, etc. But I don't think that money can buy actual happiness. I just want to be happy. That's the way I want my life to be. And this will forever be my dream, no matter what.

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