Task 6. From each pair of sentences make one sentence beginning "Having". 1.He met her at the station. Then he kissed her. 2They had dinner. Then they went for a walk. 3.We bought the tickets. Then we boarded the train. 4.He took the key out of his pocket. Then he opened the door. 5.She did all her shopping. Then she went home. 6.I decided to take a short rest. I cleaned the room. ​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1.Having met her at the station,he kissed her. 2 Having had dinner, they went for a walk. 3. Having bought the tickets, we boarded the train. 4.Having taken the key out of his pocket, he opened the door. 5. Having done all her shopping, she went home. 6 Having decided to take a short rest, I cleaned the room. ​


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