ЗАДАНИЕ :Complete the sentences with adjective from the table.

1 Buses are always....... and I can never find a seat on them.

2 Now that school is over, we have........ free time. ..than trains

3 With all those people and traffic coming and going every day, the centre is.......... part of the city.

4 The African Black Mamba is one of snakes in the world; its bite is lethal

5 Taxis are fast and take you where you want in time than many other forms of transport.

6 Matt is so funny! He tells......... jokes in the family.

7 lan works out at the gym every day, because he wants to become ....... than he is now.

8 You should buy a return ticket, because it's ...........than buying two single ones.

9 Basketball players are generally than football players.

10 Many people believe that aeroplanes offer way to travel, as they have a very low accident count.​


Ответ дал: allso71


1. Buses are always more crowded than trains and I can never find a seat on them.

2. Now that school is over, we have more free time.

3. With all those people and traffic coming and going every day, the centre is the noisiest part of the city.

4. The African Black Mamba is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world; its bite is lethal.

5. Taxis are fast and take you where you want in less time than many other forms of transport.

6. Matt is so funny! He tells the best jokes in the family.

7. lan works out at the gym every day, because he wants to become fitter than he is now.

8. You should buy a return ticket, because it's cheaper than buying two single ones.

9. Basketball players are generally taller than football players.

10. Many people believe that aeroplanes offer the safest way to travel, as they have a low accident count.

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