Choose the correct option: 1. They play / plays /plays tennis. 2. Do Does you go to dance classes? 3. He swim /swims well. 4. Do / Does the girl sing English songs? 5. Marcos and Lucas don't live / doesn't live English. 6. She watch / watches TV. 7.1 don't eat doesn't eat ice cream. 8. Do / Does 9. They play / plays play / plays play tennis every day. 10. 11. Jennifer run fast? 12. Marco don't watch / doesn't watch sport on TV. He do does his homework in the morning. I live / lives in Russia.40БАЛІВ​


Ответ дал: 1000lyet


1 play 2Do 3swims 4Does 5dont 6watches 7.1dont eat 8 ? 9play 10 ? 11Yes she does\ no she doesnt 12doesnt 13does 14live


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