помогите.. 8 класс

Task 1 (15 points).

Give simple definitions of these professions in English.

Example: A hairdresser ______________________________________________

Example answer: A hairdresser is a person who cuts and styles people’s hair.

A barber __________________________________________________________
A doctor _________________________________________________________
A postman _________________________________________________________
A musician __________________________________________________________
An electrician ________________________________________________________


Ответ дал: mls48
1. A barber is a person - hairdresser who works in trendy men's hairdressers today – barbershops.
2. A doctor is a person who invests his medical knowledge in the treatment of people, saving their lives.
3. A postman is a person who delivers mail. By the type of letters, newspapers, parcels, telegrams and postal orders.
4. A musician is a person who composes, conducts or performs music.
5. An electrician is a person who installs, maintains and repairs power supply systems, communication networks, electrical circuits, lighting and control systems for electrical equipment, electrical appliances.
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