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если надо Vegetable soup

One Sunday Alex and his father decided to cook vegetable soup for lunch. They got up
very early, because they had to get the food prepared by noon.
Alex filled a large pot with water. He put it on the cooker. Alex’s father cleaned and
chopped carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, and green beans. He was cutting some beef into small
chunks when mum came to the kitchen door.
“You are a little earlier than usual this morning”, she said. “Do you want me to help
“You are invited for lunch as a guest today, Mum”, said Alex.
“Guests mustn’t work in the kitchen. You can have a long sleep or at least watch your
favourite TV programme. It’s Sunday today, isn’t it?”
Alex’s father finished cutting up the meat. He added all the vegetables and pieces of
beef to the boiling water.
When the soup was done cooking, Alex’s father poured it into plates. After that he
began to toss a salad. Alex helped him.
By twelve o’clock all the food was on the table, and it was time for lunch.
“I can’t wait to taste our soup, Dad”, Alex said. “Mum”, he called. “Lunch is ready!
Well, I hope you will like our vegetable soup!”
“Of course, I will. You are the best cooks in the world! And you have set the table for
lunch wonderfully!” said Mum.



Ответ дал: creeepyplnff


1) Alex used carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, green beans and meat to make soup.

2) Alex's mom didn't help with the cooking that day because she was invited as a guest for dinner.

3) Тут нужно написать какие домашние обязанности у тебя есть.

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