лист на тему « моє харчування»


Ответ дал: jushka


I don't mind telling you about my diet

I eat three times a day, that is, I have breakfast, lunch and dinner

Sometimes I also make so-called snacks.

For breakfast, I often make oatmeal with fruit and tea with chocolate.

Sometimes I can be late, so for the second option I make cereal with milk and honey.

Next, as I said, I have a snack.

I always eat sandwiches or fruit. Sometimes yogurts and bars.

For lunch, I often like to make scrambled eggs or soup.

I really like borscht or vegetable soup with peas and broccoli.

And now dinner.

For dinner, I quite often have a salad and mashed potatoes with meat.

nika50637: на англіській.
jushka: написала
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