1 GRAMMAR passive: be + past participle a Write passive sentences using the tense in brackets.
1 The film / direct / Jan Dekker (present simple) The film is directed by lan Dekker
2 It/show/in cinemas next year (future, will) 3 It rained all the time the film/make/ on location (past continuous)
4 The extras/send to /the wrong place (present perfect)
5 Auditions/hold/ all day (present continuous) 6 The film/dub/into other languages (future, going to)
7 The film/make/ in France (past simple)
8 It/base/ on a book (present simple) помогите пожалуйста ​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 is directed

2 will be shown

3 was being made

4 has been sent

5 are being held

6 is going to be dubbed

7 was made

8 is based


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