Написати міні-есе (власну думку) на питання "Sport helps people to make good friends"(Спорт допомагає людям знаходити добрих друзів). Орієнтовний обсяг есе 5-6 речень.​


Ответ дал: polina3725
Every person has her friends. many people meet in unusual places, for example, on an airplane, in the forest, on vacation, at some kind of holiday, as well as at some joint sections, for example, sports. sport is, of course, first and foremost and good for human health, but you can also find friends by combining this is.

polina3725: я думаю достаточно,или еще чуть написать?
Аноним: ещё чуть
polina3725: It is even easier to find friends if you go to school clubs such as volleyball, football, basketball and more. After all, it may turn out that later you will be best friends due to interests and you will often see each other both at school and at the circle, and probably outside the windows of study
Аноним: спасибо!
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