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What do you think is the best thing to do in summer/winter?​


Ответ дал: mariakoshkina45


In summer it is best to eat ice cream, swim in the pool or in the sea and sunbathe. And in winter it is very fun to throw snowballs and slide down the hill, but you must not forget to dress warmly.

Ответ дал: iceeburr


There are a lot of fun things to do in winter. For example building a snowman, going skiing and many more. My favorite is having a snowball fight with my friends. Summer is also really fun! You can go to the beach, hang out with friends, play video games. The possibilities are endless!

Перевод: текста:

Зимой есть много интересных занятий. Например, лепить снеговика, кататься на лыжах и многое другое. Мое любимое занятие - играть в снежки со своими друзьями. Лето тоже по-настоящему веселое! Вы можете пойти на пляж, пообщаться с друзьями, поиграть в видеоигры. Возможности безграничны!

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