12 Read the theory, then form nouns from the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. We use -ion (discuss - discussion), -ment (agree - agreement), -ation (organise - organisation), -y (deliver - delivery) to form abstract nouns from verbs.
1 Scientists are very excited about the ****. of an ancient stream on Mars. (DISCOVER) 2 The members of the mission needed hospital after the accident. (TREAT) about space exploration, visit this website. (INFORM) 3 If you want 4 The revised ...................... of this book contains a lot of information about space. (EDIT) 51

2. TREAT(ment)
3. INFORM(ation)
4. EDIT(ion)​


Ответ дал: MathIsMagic


1 Scientists are very excited about the discovery of an ancient stream on Mars. 2. The members of the mission needed hospital treatment after the accident. 3. If you want information  about space exploration, visit this website. 4 The revised edition of this book contains a lot of information about space.


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