Сделайте все пожалуйста даю 50 баллов Срочно!! (если что это английский)​



Ответ дал: mariasavchenko088
1 b

2 c

3 d

4 e

5 f

6 a

2 Task
1 Mary enjoys to listen to music
2 She was waiting to buy a movie ticket
3 Would you mind to posting this letter for me?
4 They suggested to travel by bus.
5 Alan asked to talk to the boss
6 Are you interested in to live in Asia
3 Task

1. It's a new kind of car which doesn't use petrol
2. I like restaurants which they don't play music.
3. she’s the person who won the competition
4. 4. I complained to the man whose dog is always braking
5. look out! This is the dog who bit John last Wednesday
6 I have no idea who picture it is

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