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Do you play any sports?
Do you like quiet or noisy games?
How often do you play games?
Do you watch sports on TV?
What sports do you like to watch?


Ответ дал: melnik20068


Do you play any sports?

Yes I do. I especially play football on daily basis.

Do you like quiet or noisy games?

I don't pay any attantion on it, for me it does not matter.

How often do you play games?

If we are talking about computer games I can say

constantly, often with my friends or bymyself. Also I play hide and seek

with friends whome live near me.

Do you watch sports on TV?

I'm into watching sports. Basically I have some time on night Fridays or Saturdays.

What sports do you like to watch?

I like watching football, because my favourite player is Ronaldo. I follow him everywhere, I'm big fan of him.

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